Categories: Gasztro/Utazás

The gourmet stopover near Venice and Udine – San Quirino – La Primula

There is no better place than La Primula for one night stopover in Venice-Udine region if you are longing for good priced gourmet food and cheap accommodation together. San Quirino is not an interesting little village. It is made interesting only by La Primula. It is a family run restaurant for 140 years and they have one Michelin star for ages. There is a small hotel upstairs and it makes the place perfect for those want to get a rest day in the north going for a longer trip next day especially those with kids. They have max 6 rooms so when the kids go to sleep you can still enjoy a glass of wine on the terrace.
La Primula is crazy for asparagus so if you go in the season late spring early summer you can have a full asparagus menu. 6 course only asparagus. Sound strange but enjoyable. Otherwise they have a wonderful fish menu and a land menu with meat. This is for a very good price. Two person can have a fantastic gourmet menu for under 100 EURO. The wine list is extremely good. They have over 600 wines on the list although they have less then 40 places. They always have several list. One for local wines, one for Italian and a special one for older wines. They are selling those on unbelievable prices just original shop price. I bought there some real treasures on a bargain price for take away.
Crazy for asparagus
And more


The lobster


Squid made like pasta
And shrimp to have all the zoo 🙂
Tibor M. Kovacs

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